Sunday, July 5, 2009

who i really am

Most people don't really know me, Amer the guy who doesn't show his feelings to anyone, or some people i know say Amer the proud Arab who is too good to go out with me an American girl so i decided because I'm not an open person ill be one know, and tell the world who i really am, I'm a Arab Muslim who values his family and friends over anything else, i don't pray or fast most of the times but i do separate my self from Christians and Jews, i did have girl friends but they were all girls that i wanted to spend my life with, yeah i know kind of funny, but i was stupid, i was born in America most people don't even know I'm Arab unless i put my kuffia on or have a Arab designed shirt, that is custom made with Arabic writing,

girls in my life_ i was mostly raised by my sisters and mom, do to the fact my dad had a stroke when i was in 5th grade, i understand women then most men and love them not for their body's but for their mind and heart, don't get me wrong she has to be prity lol, anyways I'm only stating what happens I'm not bragging but i do attract a lot of girls, but it always ends up in then getting angry at me because i only want an Arab girl , that's who I'm am i wasn't raised that way.

life in general_i had a hard life in some cases i, but I'm a guy who thinks this is only from god and doesn't go complain to others or hate my family or people or religion, I'm not weak in faith but im also not really religious, the only think i don't do is eat pork, drink alchol, or have sex before marriage, but other then that I'm a western/eastern Arab boy,

Why Arab girls_ a lot of American girls ask me why Arab girls, i reply they understand me, they have values i have, and we connect in a Way i never felt with a non Arab, i know a lot of Arab guys who feel the same way, its just not me, the only thing to explain it is we are each a gift from got to each other.

My feelings_ i only show my feelings know to my inshallah Fancie she understands me and yes of course shes Arab lol but she is the only one that cares, and the only one that should care, and same with her feelings with me.

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